darko duric v druzbi sportnikov invalidov paraolimpijcev

On my daily journeys, I encounter interesting and fun adventures that I want to share with you. My goal is to take you, my readers and those who follow my activities closely, into the world of a person who, despite some limitations, has decided to live a full life. And I succeed, not only because I chose to do so, but also because I have extraordinary people around me. There is a saying for a reason: “Surround yourself only with positive people.” I admit that I sometimes lose motivation, but in those moments, my friends and loved ones lift me up, presenting my seemingly unsolvable problems in a completely new, solvable light.


Visit to the Paralympic Camp for Families


Children are honest and uninhibited. They are not malicious, but they are curious. Their questions can sometimes truly embarrass us adults. Whenever I visit groups of younger children at events, I always wear shorts. Even though this reveals my disability, I am proud of these legs. They look like robotic ones. And often I get interesting reactions, like I look like a terminator, a robot, a real war veteran, and even knightly legs. On Saturday, June 29, I visited the Paralympic Day for Families in Thermana Laško, organized by the Slovenian Paralympic Committee. The purpose of the camp is to encourage families of young people with disabilities to engage in sports activities. When I arrived at the event, a young girl, about six years old, quickly greeted me and without any hesitation said, “Sir, you really have funny legs.” Of all the reactions I have received, this one is the most endearing. Can we even imagine how children’s imagination works? How do their eyes see things? Of course, it’s better for confidence to hear that you look like a terminator rather than having funny legs. But the little girl said what she saw. Funny legs. And her comment truly made my day.

Wrapping in Cotton Wool is Not Okay


During my lecture to the children and their parents, I emphasized one important fact: wrapping children in cotton wool is not okay. It is not good for parents to do things for their children and take away their ability to learn from mistakes. The consequences can be even greater for children with disabilities. In this case, before we criticize, we must consider several things. A parent wants only the best for their child. It is hard for a parent to watch their child spend more time and energy on most things. Therefore, they want to help. Sometimes this turns into excessive help, wrapping in cotton wool. Taking away the child’s ability to be independent. It is important to look a step ahead. What will the child be like when they grow up? Are you helping them with this?

When you think you can’t take another step, you are halfway to where you can go.

When I was learning to walk with prosthetics, I also had bloody blisters. I thought I couldn’t take another step. When I didn’t have the strength to persist, my parents did. They encouraged me to continue. My mother told me herself that she felt like crying when she watched me struggle, but she persisted because she knew what it meant for my future, my independence. And I am happy and grateful that she persisted. Because today I can live independently, drive a car, and travel.

If there is any message I want to give, it is definitely to persevere. On all your paths. It’s not always easy, but as we know, if it doesn’t hurt at least a little, then our goals are obviously too low.

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